
6 out of 10

Thanks to the Tyneside Cinema's policy of bringing popular films back for one-off showings, I finally got to see this and on the big(ish) screen. Just as with Waltz With Bashir, this was as much educational as entertaining. Hmmm... maybe entertaining's not even the right word.

The story follows an Iranian girl from her early childhood fully into adulthood, as she escapes from and returns to the oppressive regime in her home country. Assuming it's a fair representation of reality, Iran's probably just dropped down my list of countries I'd like to visit. Or maybe risen up it, given the spirit of its people. I don’t know.

As a film, however, it left me wanting more; not always a good thing. The story goes in cycles throughout the film, but when it comes to an end, it still feels mid-way through a cycle. It feels incomplete, and it left me unsure of what it was trying to say. Maybe that was its intent: to leave an absence of conclusion. Perhaps; it would certainly seem to reflect real life today. I'm just not sure it makes for a good story, as it felt aimless.

If you've seen this film, I'd love hear your opinions on it.


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