I'm A Cyborg, But That's Okay

4 out of 10

Park Chan-wook's tale of a girl consigned to a psychiatric hospital full of people with frankly surreal ailments. In this respect, the girl fits right in; she thinks she's a cyborg, but doesn't know what her purpose in life is. Sadly, her delusions also make her think she doesn't need to eat. The story follows a fellow inmate's attempts to help her and their emerging, strange relationship.

Yep, this is an odd film. While some of the characters were endearingly quirky (is it ok to say that about mentally ill people?), and the girl's hallucinations were nicely depicted, it never really grabbed me. Writing this review a few weeks after watching it, I find myself looking on it more fondly than I did at the time. When I watched it, I honestly struggled to stop myself turning it off.

Maybe it needs a repeat viewing. We'll see.


Colin said…
Although I'm a complete slag for all the technical touches in the film and as fond as I am of mocking the afflicted, it didn't really do much for me, either.

*Spolier Alert*
It's worth an extra mark for the concept of stealing Thursday.

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