
Showing posts from May, 2008

Iron Man

8 out of 10 Brilliant, ridiculous fun. But then, that's exactly what you hope for from comic book adaptations. I'd never come across Iron Man before this film came out — I'm not a proper afficionado — but the character got a great introduction here. And, for once, the eponymous hero actually had a bit of swagger, rather than being a shy nerd. Which, of course, made it perfect casting for Robert Downey Jr . Still, even with ingredients like these in the mix, it could've been pants. Instead, it was a little bit Spider-Man, a little bit Batman, and a little bit Indiana Jones. As a whole, it held together very well and was thoroughly entertaining. I'll be surprised if it doesn't get a sequel.

I, Robot

9 out of 10 Despite having spent most of my teenage years reading 99% of Isaac Asimov's entire sci-fi output, I still struggle to remember whether I, Robot is actually one of his stories, or just inspired by his work. Whatever, it's pretty faithful to Asimov's classic detective storylines and, of course, incorporates his famous three laws . Here, Will Smith plays detective Spooner, a robot-sceptic in a world that has come to welcome robots into their lives as harmless assistants. The movie starts with Spooner being called in to investigate the apparent suicide of the scientist who first created mankind's new servants. Turns out he was requested as the investigator by the victim himself and Spooner smells a rat. All is not as straightforward as it seems and, in the face of mounting resistance, he sets out to discover a more sinister truth behind it all. I have to say, I love this film. I've probably seen it 4 times now and I've yet to grow tired of it. I

Son Of Rambow

6 out of 10 Not my favourite sort of film, Son of Rambow is at least an occasionally amusing film, if not an uproarious one. Harmless is probably the word I'd choose, if forced to choose just one. Or amusing. Or perhaps okay. Starring Generic Soft British Kid as Will Proudfoot, an Amish-alike in a 1980's comprehensive school, the film follows his trials and tribulations as he finds himself drawn into the world of Generic British Rebel With A Soft Side , Lee Carter. After being exposed to his first TV ever, in the form of Rambo: First Blood , Will proceeds to take an enthusiastic involvement in Lee's film-making ambitions and it all follows from there. You can probably guess the entire story already, but don't let that put you off too much. Not the most original film ever, but it was enjoyable enough.