Banlieue 13
4 out of 10
Luc ... my dear sweet Luc ... what have you done??!?!?! I realise that Paris is as proud as punch that the extrememly graceful yet powerful sport of Parkour was invented in the suburbs, but a film based on it could have been so much more.
For those of you that haven't yet seen Taxi / Taxi II please form an orderly queue outside Mal's house as I live too far away and you can't borrow my copy - it's just to good, sorry. Once you have seen these, Léon and other associated works you will understand the slight discomfort I felt whilst watching this ... not film ... more concept.
So Parkour - running, jumping, being really fit and challenging the 'Urban Jungle' -yeah? So Luc, how did you get on then???
The future ... in a suburb of paris ... walled in by the Police cos the locals are all a bit too naughty with their guns and drugs and stuff ... oh and they have tattoos and Barryed cars too. Also there is a nuclear bomb, and a cop who is a one man death ninja, only he is french, and a criminal who is really a nice guy even though he has a gang of shotgun wielding friends. Yeah, it confused even me for a bit.
Not an entire loss, there are some great fight scenes and parkour action sequences, but I really cannot justify the use of txt spk n da sbtitlz - wtf???