Day Watch (Dnevnoy dozor)

7 out of 10

Day Watch is the concluding part of the story of Dark and Light started in Nightwatch The truce between the dark and light is under threat, when a member of Nightwatch (Anton Gorodetsky - played by Konstantin Khabensky) is framed for the murder of a Dark Other. Anton also needs to prevent his trainee and love interest Svetlana (Mariya Poroshina) from meeting with his son. Both are incredibly powerful but have chosen different sides (Dark and Light respectively). Throw into the mix a legend of Mystic Chalk that enables the owner to correct previous mistakes, Vampires, body swapping and side plots that would be at home in any soap opera, it is very hard to give a synopsis of the film without it sounding silly.

The daftness is overshadowed by the fact that it is completely compelling and good fun to boot. The visuals and effects are of a very high standard although the sound will not be to everyone’s cup of tea (loud heavy metal music is played whenever the vampires are up to no good).

I enjoyed this film immensely but, one of the threads of the story is so strong that there is a sense of inevitability as to what will happen in the end. However, sometimes in life the ride to your destination is more fun than the destination itself.


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