28 Weeks Later

3 out of 10

I wasn't totally convinced by the first film — at least, not by its ending — so was hoping for more second time around. The film opens showing a family's desperate, and only partially successful attempts to escape the infected hordes. These are the best 10 minutes of the film. Fast-forward 28 weeks and we're now in a thoroughly-isolated Great Britain, with the rage virus slowly dying out as the zombified populace starves. Survivors are even being reintroduced to parts of London.

Enter the Americans. Yep, in a lazy, unrealistic gung-ho manner, they start messing everything up. Okay, so you might think the US Army's pretty good at screwing up other countries, but the level of incompetence depicted here just ruins the film. Seriously, it's just plain annoying and from here-on out, the film has nothing new to offer. Maybe, just maybe, they'll finally get things right after 28 months...


Got this for Xmas.

Kids are to blame. Bloody kids of today. Don't know when they are born.

Nor do they seem to know when NOT to sneak out and cause the death of hundreds of people...bloody kids. Oh and Robert Carlyle, its his fault aswell.

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