The Warriors

7 out of 10

The Warriors is a cult classic, and despite various recommendations I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Set in New York, the film starts with a mass gathering of gangs in The Bronx. When a gang leader is killed, the finger is pointed at ‘The Warriors’. What evolves is a tense chase movie as the gang attempts to get back to Coney Island with thousands of rival gangs and Police after them.

It all sounds very macho, but it really isn’t as brutal as you might think. The film is shot like a comic book with transitions between scenes combining live action with a style that seems way ahead of its time. The violence is also very comic book; think the 60’s TV series of Batman or the A-team.

The casting of unknowns works in the film’s favour, as the characters seem genuinely tough. None of the cast went on to become big names in Hollywood (although Twin Peaks fans may recognise the leader of the Rogues, a sterling performance from a young David Patrick Kelly), and this along with the visuals means that film has not dated too badly.

However, you can see why they made a video game from the movie. It is essentially a series of battles (levels) and if you are looking for a plot with twists and turns it’s best to look elsewhere.

Walter Hill’s movie was pulled from cinemas when it was released in 1979. Looking back, it’s hard to see why. One of the gangs in the opening scenes are dressed as French mime artists — seriously.

A lot of people would argue that The Warriors is a case of style over substance, but when it’s as good fun as this, it’s a lot easier to enjoy the thrill of the chase.


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