The Bourne Ultimatum

8 out of 10

As I loved the first two parts of the Bourne trilogy, I was relieved that the final installment rounded it off nicely. While you could accuse it of just being one long action sequence, its consistently high tempo simply made it feel like the final third of a single film. One highlight to mention: Ultimatum has one of the best fight sequence I’ve ever seen in a film. Gritty, lengthy and far from clean, it balances realism with just enough Hollywood flourishes to make it really stand out. :)

By the end, anyone hoping for the film to tie up all of its forerunners’ loose ends might be disappointed. It does just enough to resolve Bourne’s odyssey, but no more. And, for me, that was just right. A great end to a great series. :)


Mal said…

Here's the final paragraph I wanted to write, but felt it would give too much away about the resolution of the story:

"By the end, anyone hoping for the film to tie up *all* of its forerunners' loose ends might be disappointed. It does just enough to resolve Bourne's odyssey, but no more. Yes, that means they've left it open for more in the future, but I hope the writers can resist the temptation. Left as it is, the series will probably be remembered as one of the best trilogies ever made. I'd hate to see that diminished for the sake of a quick buck.

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