Blue Velvet

7 out of 10

One strange film. Not quite Twin Peaks strange, but strange enough. Blue Velvet follows the tale of Jeffrey Beaumont (Kyle MacLachlan), a young man drawn into a murder investigation by a curiosity he really should keep under control. His chief suspect, Frank, is one twisted individual, but is just one part of the weird and seedy underworld that comes to light. In other words, classic David Lynch territory.

Some of the acting is really quite stilted IMHO, but don’t let that put you off. There are still some great performances to be had, not least that of Dennis Hopper, playing Frank. It’s the voyeuristic curiosity that the film engenders that’s the real winner, though.


Colin said…
Great review. That's why I left it for you to do. ;)
Mal said…
Bottler. :)

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