Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

5 out of 10

Hollywood is always on the lookout for a great comedian. So when someone appears in a very funny film, they then get them to appear in a string of absolute rubbish. Take Steve Martin in a Man with 2 Brains and then... Robin Williams was in Good Morning Vietnam and then .... Will Ferrell. Well, I had never seen him in anything funny, so I was looking forward to this because this is apparently the film. Well, after watching this film, all I can say is “oh dear”. I think I laughed out loud only twice.

In summary, poor. Come on, Will — if you really are a great comedian, do something intelligent rather than just acting stupid.


Mal said…
Dude, you need to learn to love the Burgundy. Watch it again. You'll be sculpting your guns in the office before you know it.
I agree with Mal.

And so does my car....Sex Panther.

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