Napoleon Dynamite

7 out of 10

This is a teen comedy set in a High School in Idaho. This alone would be enough to put a lot of people off, however this is not your average high school comedy. I like to think of it as Forest Gump meets Saved by the bell (but in a good way).

Like Forest Gump, the enjoyment of the movie will depend how comfortable you are laughing at the afflicted. As soon as you think too hard about it the enjoyment will inevitably take a hit. To truly immerse yourself in the weird world of Napoleon Dynamite it's best not to think.

Napoleon Dynamite polarises opinion - it is adored by its fans and loathed by its critics. It seems appropriate that in reviewing a film about a guy who doesn't really seem to fit in, that I don't fall into either category. It had a few good 'laugh out loud' moments but it won't be something I will rush to watch again.


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