The Iron Giant

10 out of 10

An old-school animation with a big heart, The Iron Giant tells a wonderful story. The tale a robot fallen to Earth from space, befriended by a young boy and hunted down by The Man, its plot shares similarities with that of E.T.

E.T., however, never had to struggle against his nature to prove his benign intentions and that’s where this film excels. Yes, it’s moralising, but in a perfectly acceptable way that nevers intrudes. Towards the end, it was proper lump-in-throat, tear-in-eye stuff and only a strong desire not to make a fool of myself helped me keep it all together. Highly recommended. In fact, I can’t think of a bad thing to say about it, hence the top marks.


Unknown said…
The appreciation of this wonderful movie (Vin Diesel's best!!!) slowly spreads. It is truly wonderful, I agree.
Mal said…
Yep, dead chuffed I skived off work to see it (was working this weekend). You may also notice a similarly glowing review on Mr Miller's site.

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