Spirited Away

7 out of 10

You know, there are times when I think I just don’t get Japanese culture. And there are other times when I admire it greatly. Maybe, one day, I’ll have to spend some time over there to really appreciate it. Maybe then I’ll understand instead of just finding it fascinating — a stance that currently makes me a little uneasy. Hmmmm...

So... Spirited Away! Yes. Another Studio Ghibli affair, this one had me wondering for 90% of the film whether I would ever see another anime to move me. After Grave of the Fireflies, everything else seems to have lost its impact. Then, near the end, it finally hits home. Throughout the film, Chihiro, the lead character, struggles through her nightmarish adventure with such immense dignity, courage and kindness that you can’t help but make an emotional investment. My only disappointment with the film is that it takes so long to call it in. It’s still rewarding when it does, mind. In summary, it’s a good film, but I still prefer My Neighbour Totoro and, of course, Fireflies.


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