Children of Men

4 out of 10
Another film with great, untapped potential. Set in the near-future against a backdrop of global infertility, it held the promise of being fascinating sci-fi. As it turned out, the most intriguing parts of the story went unexplored and the character development was MIA. Part of the problem might be Clive Owen’s complete inability to emote, but I suspect it was deeper than that.

On the positive side, the action scenes were superb. You may have seen the coffee shop blow up on the trailer; there’s plenty more along those lines. Also, the blood was good blood. Oh, and there was a Geordie in the cast. He even sang part of the Blaydon Races to make sure you understood. How quaint. ;)

Overall, however, it was an opportunity missed. If only we could wind back time and get them to make this film as it really should have been. It could have been a classic.


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