Twelve Monkeys
8 out of 10
Having only caught brief, disorienting snatches of this film on telly before, it was a relief to finally see it from start to finish. And to find that it’s pretty good too, even if a little formulaic on the is-he-imagining-all-this side of things. All three leading actors — Willis, Stowe and Pitt — did pretty good turns, but it was especially good to see Willis doing something other than his Die Hard persona.
Having only caught brief, disorienting snatches of this film on telly before, it was a relief to finally see it from start to finish. And to find that it’s pretty good too, even if a little formulaic on the is-he-imagining-all-this side of things. All three leading actors — Willis, Stowe and Pitt — did pretty good turns, but it was especially good to see Willis doing something other than his Die Hard persona.