My Neighbour, Totoro

9 out of 10

This is my first Studio Ghibli film and, I have to say, I was sceptical. I had the impression they were the sort of thing people claimed to like because it was chic to like Japanese stuff. Plus, Jonathan Ross gushes about them, which automatically makes me wary. ;)

Having now seen it, however, I’m completely won over. ‘Totoro’ was a beautifully told, genuinely moving film, despite (obviously) being fantasy. All relationships depicted — between the two sisters, between father and daughters, mother and daughters, mother and father, all of them! — were utterly real and wonderful. I’m surprised I’m gushing so much, but it really took me aback. Had I not missed the first half hour, it might even have got top marks. Yay for FilmFour and their Ghibli season. Bring on the next one! :)


Dave Miller said…
Oh ye of little faith... :)

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