Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

4 out of 10
Pretty average. The story made for a good adventure, but it was overly long and I was distracted by crappy acting. I still don’t rate Orlando Bloom and his pathetically comedic attempts at a manly voice. And, frankly, I just don’t find Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow to be funny. Lots of people laughed out loud, but I barely managed a chuckle. (In fact, I’ve not rated a Johnny Depp performance since Ed Wood.)

Some of the CGI was quite good, mind. Davy Jones’s face, in particular, was impressive, as you could tell it was Bill Nighy under there. Not sure how they did that and whether it was a combination of prosthetics and CGI, but it worked really well. I found myself studying it more than watching the story, to be honest. Overall though, I doubt I’ll hurry back when Pirates III comes out. DVD next time, perhaps.


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