The Lake House

5 out of 10
Pirates of the Caribbean was sold out, okay!?! Anyway, this time-slipped romance between a doctor and an architect was built on deeply suspect foundations (see what I did there?) and was horribly predictable throughout. Regardless, it still managed to stir some kind of emotional response from me, so I can’t write it off entirely. Keanu Reeves was seriously wooden at times and Sandra Bullock was suitably wet, but I was hardly expecting Oscar performances. It was ok, I guess.


Anonymous said…
We saw that one too. I thought it was fun. I think it deserves extra for being an innocent and clean romantic film, with no gratuitous sex scenes... it did have a worse grasp of time paradox than Back To The Future, and the plot was paper thin.

When, on Valentine's Day 2006, SB's character did a Doctorly thing - a murmur went round the room, we worked out who that was.

Still, it made us laugh to discuss all the glaring holes in the plot, and the time passed without dragging too much.

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