In The Loop

8 out of 10

Feels strange reviewing this film as a film rather than as an extended episode of a TV series. Regardless, let's carry on and climb the mountain of conflict.

This film is great. But then, I love The Thick Of It too. Drawing from, but hopefully caricaturing, the real-life absurdities and politics of... well, politics, the film follows a relatively lowly minister in the UK government who finds himself drawn into controversy. The controversy in question relates to the likelihood, or otherwise, of the UK and US going to war in the Middle East. You'd be right to think this is based around the recent war in Iraq. It blatantly is; and the writer's said as much.

Given that, it feels like the black comedy on show should have been as painful as it was funny, but... it wasn't. Or rather, it wasn't for me. That's worrying in itself, because it really bloody should be painful viewing. The incompetence and deceipt that's played out really should frighten me. But it didn't. Again, worrying.

Regardless of whether we're all damned to hell by the kind of insulated disconnection I'm feeling, this is still a great film. I urge you to go and see it.


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