
7 out of 10

James McAvoy plays Wesley Gibson a wimpy, low level office worker who hates his soul sapping job (and in particular his overbearing boss), and has a girlfriend who is cheating on him with his best friend. Yes, his life truly sucks the big one. Then he meets the enigmatic Fox, (Angelina Jolie) who tells him that the father that had run out on him when he was a baby, was a great assasin and was murdered by a man who is now after Wesley.

If you have seen Timur Bekmambetov's earlier efforts particularly Daywatch you will have had a little taste of the visual style of Wanted. It's a fast-paced movie that does not take itself at all seriously. At times it not only stretches the laws of physics but also of credibility. It's perhaps neither as clever or as cool as it thinks it is, but what it is however is great fun. As long as you are prepared to enter the spirit of a film (that was after all based on a graphic novel), then you should enjoy this... just don't think too hard about it!


Mal said…
Following this review, I might just... might... watch it. If there's nothing else worthy at Blockbuster on that particular visit. ;)

Still got plenty of FilmFour recordings to watch first, mind.
Colin said…
Give your brain a rest! It's the most fun I've slept through this year...

Damn they could have used that on their promotional material if only I'd posted sooner.
Lindsay said…
Ok - I'm renting this

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