
9 out of 10

There’s been a lot of hype surrounding this monster-on-the-rampage film, but I’m happy to say it’s actually worth it... mostly. Set in Manhattan, the entire film is presented as a recording of events captured on a local’s video camera. As a result, it’s shaky-cam-tastic for the entire duration, something which was enough to have me feeling nauseous by the time the credits rolled. Don’t let this put you off, however, as:

  1. I’m probably just being pathetic
  2. The camera-work really helps the believability

Speaking of believability, that’s one of the film’s greatest strengths. As my cinema buddy noted on the way out, it was probably the most accurate rendition of panic we’ve ever seen. It’s tense and desperate from the moment the monster makes its presence felt right up to the final seconds of the film. Seriously impressive.

It does let itself down on the odd occasion - in terms of people’s abilities to recover from serious injuries - but those instances are very close to the end of the film. By that point, I’d already been sucked in enough to be willing to forgive it.

Overall, Cloverfield is simply a thrilling, sci-fi action romp, with sequences that are truly exciting and had me laughing with glee. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.


I watched the trailer for this last year and I actually got the fear at the noise that the monster makes just as the lights go out. this is a good thing. Must see this ASAP.
Mal said…
Mate, you will love it. Just don't expect too much plot or rational behaviour - it's purely a monster movie.
Colin said…
You both might get a kick out of 'Host' then. It's Korean, not to be taken too seriously, and I failed to review it about six months ago... mainly due to falling asleep (only for about 5 mins). I enjoyed what I saw though. :D

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