Waltz with Bashir

9 out of 10

I was seven years old when the Israel-Lebanon war kicked off, back in 1982. I went to see this in the hope of learning something. Sure, I could've read Wikipedia for a while, but I'd heard good things about this film and believe the medium can offer more than mere printed word. Having seen it now, I feel it's fully deserving of the praise it's getting.

Waltz With Bashir is an animated, near-documentary tale of the director's attempts to regain suppressed memories of his involvement in the conflict. As the viewer, you join him in this unsettling journey of discovery, intertwined with fellow soldiers' tales of their own experiences. The overall film doesn't try to put one side's views or beliefs ahead of another's. It merely presents the horrors of young men propelled into a war they don't necessarily understand and struggle to cope with. It's about understanding both the personal and political realities, not blaming or bragging.

In short, it's a great film. Go and see it.


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