
9 out of 10

My first review, good thing I found an absolute gem to kick things off with.

On the surface Versus is a simple combination of blood/guts/gore/kung-fu/guns/yakuza/zombies - everything your avid Asia Extreme fan requires in a film.

But look a bit closer...go it really that strightforward? Or do you detect a hint of Evil Dead style self mockery? Isn't each actor a perfect fit for representing their (nameless!)japanese stereotype character? Are you being forced into the heart of each confrontation by the extremely inventive camera work?

Though this film will excite some, it will also cause disgust in others, a shame as this really is a fun film which is much more accessible than say Ichi The Killer. If you do take up the challenge of Versus, make sure you give it at least half an hour for your brain to relax into. The western mind is not quite as odd as the far (out) eastern noggin and this film is what counts as a citizenship test. I passed said test so I am off to cruise around in an aging Merc, once i have a tattoo of a dragon inked into my snakeskin-suit clad buttocks. Enjoy!!


Mal said…
Mate, that's a class first review. Keep em coming. And if you come back up to Newcastle sometime, bring this DVD with you. ;-)
Mal said…
P.S. Mrs Brady says she wants to see your tattooed buttocks. ;-)

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