
Showing posts from June, 2008

Elizabeth The Golden Age

3 out of 10 The first film was great. This one is pants. Not enough political intrigue, too much spinning-camera-round-stationary-subject, leaving the viewer wondering just-wtf-were-they-thinking.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

6 out of 10 George bloody Lucas. Not a name you really want to see on the writing credits for a film you desperately want to be brilliant. Alas, it was the case for Indy IV. Indeed, the first couple of minutes of dialogue bore out my concerns, as the film gets off to an incredibly bad start. I don't think I've ever seen actors less comfortable with their lines. Thankfully, after a while, things pick up and we get more into the flow of a classic Indiana Jones film. As ever, the plot is fairly incidental to the action, which is a good job given it's got fat George's paw prints all over it. I'll not spoil it too much, but bear in mind his track record and you'll get an idea of where it's going. The action, however, does its job of providing entertainment. Modern CGI might allow for a few more ludicrous sequences than before, but until the final scenes, it's not to the film's detriment. Overall, if I blank out some of the early dialogue and the fil

Sex and the City

5 out of 10 Before I begin I would like to point out 2 things....... 1. I am a die hard fan of Sex and the City (the television series)! 2. This review contains spoilers so if you don't want to know what happens stop reading NOW! This film is a "follow-up" to the highly successful and entertaining series depicting "what happened next" ! The first 10 minutes of the film sets the story so far and introduces the characters - which I obviously acknowledge has to be done as, believe it or not, there are actually some people who never watched the series! Firstly, there is the rather predictable story of Carrie and Big's wedding - surprise, surprise he jilts her at the alter (didn't see that one coming!) In other news Samantha is struggling after moving to LA with Smith, Charlotte is sickeningly happy and expecting her second child with Harry and Miranda is devastated to discover that Steve has had an affair! The main problem that I have with this film is th