
6 out of 10

Juno tells the story of a hyper-confident 16 year old girl who falls pregnant, following it from first realisation to the search for adoptive parents to its final conclusion. While there are some strong indie performances here (notably Ellen Page as Juno and Jason Bateman as the adoptive dad) and characters do actually develop throughout the film, it feels like it's trying a little too hard at times. Scenes come and go that occasionally feel staccato in nature. "This is where Juno feels the pressure." "This is where Juno's step-mom shows her true colours." And so on. I think I'm being harsh here, as it's really not that bad, but it just didn't flow perfectly at times.

Style-wise, it's very self-aware, mixing scrapbook elements also seen in films like Napoleon Dynamite and Eagle vs Shark with self-consciously hip music that wouldn't seem out of place in Garden State or, again, Napoleon Dynamite. And, really, it's the film's style that's as much to the fore as the story itself. The kids are all very post-modern 'street', being, as they are, pretty much all white, middle class hipsters. And, frankly, everyone takes the pregnancy remarkably in their stride. Suspend your disbelief and you'll probably quite enjoy it (as I did), but I'm not convinced it's a great film.


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