The Diving Bell and The Butterfly

10 out of 10

This film is based on a book by Jean-Dominique Bauby who suffered a massive stroke rendering him "locked in", completely paralysed apart from the use of one eye and retaining all of his mental faculties.

It is mainly shot from Jean-Do's perspective of the "present" interspersed with his memories of his past before his stroke and his fantasies from his internal world following it.

The emotional reality of the writer's struggle in coming to terms with his condition as well as the pressure on his family and those around him results in some very moving moments within the film.

The very fact that this is a true story of a man who wrote a whole book about his experience by merely blinking is a credit to the therapists that worked with him as well as a tribute to the character and determination of the man himself.

All in all, this is well made and compelling film which I would watch at least another 2 times and I will definitely be reading the book too!


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