Banlieue 13

4 out of 10

Luc ... my dear sweet Luc ... what have you done??!?!?! I realise that Paris is as proud as punch that the extrememly graceful yet powerful sport of Parkour was invented in the suburbs, but a film based on it could have been so much more.

For those of you that haven't yet seen Taxi / Taxi II please form an orderly queue outside Mal's house as I live too far away and you can't borrow my copy - it's just to good, sorry. Once you have seen these, Léon and other associated works you will understand the slight discomfort I felt whilst watching this ... not film ... more concept.

So Parkour - running, jumping, being really fit and challenging the 'Urban Jungle' -yeah? So Luc, how did you get on then???

The future ... in a suburb of paris ... walled in by the Police cos the locals are all a bit too naughty with their guns and drugs and stuff ... oh and they have tattoos and Barryed cars too. Also there is a nuclear bomb, and a cop who is a one man death ninja, only he is french, and a criminal who is really a nice guy even though he has a gang of shotgun wielding friends. Yeah, it confused even me for a bit.

Not an entire loss, there are some great fight scenes and parkour action sequences, but I really cannot justify the use of txt spk n da sbtitlz - wtf???


Mal said…
You know... despite your disappointment, it still sounds interesting enough for me to take a look. Do you own it, or did you rent it? If the former, make sure you bring it with you when you next come up to Newcastle. I'll post it back when I'm done. :)
Yeah, it is worth a look I would say. You know me - i will force you to watch a lot of crap ASAP :-]

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